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Plans for 2020 Spring Tour and Pioneer Day

POMEROY—The Garfield County Pioneer Association held its last meeting at the county museum on October 22, 2019. The group began planning for the 2020 Spring Tour and Pioneer Day.

The Honored Pioneers and other parts of the program in June were discussed. Ilia was chosen to be highlighted as the Community of the Past. Other historical river sites covered may include the Almota Ferry, a cable ferry across the Snake River, and Wade’s Bar, where the wreck of the steamboat Annie Faxton occurred in 1893. Vicki Bowles Evans will again provide musical entertainment.

Mayview will be the destination for the Spring Tour. Three high school students are working on clearing brush and cleaning the Ruark cemetery. This pioneer cemetery is located about two hundred yards above the driveway into Gary Bye’s ranch. Questions arose concerning road construction in the area and whether the new road will miss the Mayview school.

The topic of road work brought up fossils being unearthed in Garfield County several times, including some years ago when dinosaur bones were discovered on Howell Grade. Members of the group are going to check into the exact location of that find.

David Ruark reported on the ongoing sign project noting historical sites around the county. He said the sign for the old Scoggin School may be slightly out of place, and that the original school was located among the trees.

The next meeting will be on February 25, 2020.