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Letter to the Editor

To the editor,

As I watch in astonishment at how one set of facts can have two or more completely different interpretations depending upon your bias, I am reminded of the fable about the emperor’s new clothes. In the story, two weavers promised an emperor a new suit of clothes that they said was invisible to those who are unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent; yet the clothes indeed were non-existent. No one had dared to speak the truth until a child cries out “he isn’t wearing anything at all.”

I feel unfortunately this is the situation we are in now. It is the result of a cult of personality. An individual is using the techniques of mass media, propaganda, the big lie, spectacle, false patriotism, and rallies to create an idealized, heroic, and worshipful image.

The characterization of two types of media, one identified as “fake” and the other- Fox News -as legitimate, is done with intent to create two narratives for everything leading to confusion with intent to deceive. It isn’t one big lie. It is a multitude of big lies told over and over until they turn into facts for those susceptible to the influence of “drinking the kool-aide.” It is propaganda pure and simple.

Then there is the spectacle of false patriotism by hugging a flag in a crude way while denigrating true patriots like John McCain and other military service member some living and some deceased. His consorting with foreign leaders like Putin ought to cause genuine concern. But many Americans now seem to show acceptance of the word of the former KGB agent over that of our own intelligence agencies, of course this delights Putin.

The absurd rallies, now over 180, where he constantly lies and strokes his own ego demanding his adoring minions to shout accolades for being the “greatest” leader ever.

You take no notice; his actions are scarily reminiscent of demagogues of today and throughout history.

Your blinders are on! I don’t question your love for your nation just as I love our nation but I love democratic values and the rule of law above an individual leader and that is the difference between you and me.

This person could belong to any political party and I would find him equally reprehensible.

Tom Fitzsimmons

Pomeroy, Wash.

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