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Caucuses planned here and across Washington State

POMEROY–Garfield County’s Republican Caucus will be held at the Nazarene Church on Saturday, February 29 at 10 a.m., in conjunction with caucuses all over the state. Every state has either a caucus or a regular primary, but both are part of the election process. Both are run at the state level, but primaries are run by state governments, while caucuses are run by state party officials.

For both Republicans and Democrats voters will meet at schools, churches and other community centers across the state’s 1,681 precincts. Each precinct chooses its delegates or their parties’ representatives to the state and national conventions. Party officials do some last-minute campaigning or give a few speeches. Following any speech, a secret ballot is taken just as it would be during a regular primary or general election. The representatives who are elected to attend the state and national conventions are to vote for candidates who win the local ballot.

Submitted by Cindy Klaveano, Garfield County Republican Central Committee Secretary