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Court Report

March 11, 2020–Garfield County District Court–Judge Tom Cox

Kenneth J. Aceves, of Lewiston, Idaho, pleaded guilty to Violation of Ignition Interlock Requirement, a gross misdemeanor. Aceves was ordered to pay $556.

Loren J. Eby, of Pomeroy, Wash., pleaded guilty to Disorderly Conduct, a misdemeanor; and Malicious Mischief Third Degree (DV), a gross misdemeanor. Eby was Sentenced to: two days in jail; 24 hours community service; mental health counseling; and must pay $422 in legal financial obligations.

Jacob E. Haworth, of Burbank, Wash., pleaded guilty to misdemeanor Criminal Trespass Second Degree. Haworth was ordered to pay $1,168.

Kyle C. Kuhn, of Kamiah, Idaho, pleaded guilty to Violation of Ignition Interlock Requirement, a gross misdemeanor. Kuhn was ordered to pay $556.

John L. Meissen, of Pomeroy, Wash., was found guilty of one count of Indecent Exposure, misdemeanor. Meissen was sentenced to: 10 days in jail, which could be completed through 80 hours of community service; must continue counseling services; and must pay $143.

Ryan R. Ricard, of Burbank, Wash., pleaded guilty to misdemeanor Criminal Trespass Second Degree. Ricard was ordered to pay $963.

Vernon Jay Wood, of Pomeroy, Wash., pleaded guilty to: Driving While License Suspended Third Degree, a misdemeanor; and Violation of Ignition Interlock Requirement, a gross misdemeanor. Wood was sentenced to six days in jail and must pay $392 in legal financial obligations.

March 18, 2020–Garfield County Superior Court–Judge Tom Cox

Samantha J. Garton, of Lewiston, Idaho, pleaded guilty to Possession of Methamphetamine, a Class C Felony. Garton was sentenced to 60 days in jail which may be completed through a successful inpatient treatment program; will pay $600 in legal financial obligations; and will be under supervision during 12 months of Dept. of Corrections Community Custody.

March 26, 2020–Garfield County Superior Court–Judge Tom Cox

Elijah D. Manson, of Walla Walla, Wash., pleaded guilty to Taking a Motor Vehicle w/out Permission Second Degree as well as Possession of Marijuana with Intent to Deliver, both Class C Felonies. Manson was sentenced to 22 months prison; 12 months Depart. of Correction community custody; and $1,047.00 in legal financial obligations.

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