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A Teen's Take

POMEROY–Staying at home for extended periods of time is getting to the point where I am ready to go crazy. I have done just about everything, including clean every room in the house and organize all of the cabinets. I’ve watched every movie on Disney Plus possible and binge watched all of the shows that I enjoy and am about to run out of things to do. I think I could be more productive though, but what to do now is the question.

It’s hard when a lot of your friends are hanging out and ignoring the stay-home order and you’re sitting at home. I do understand that staying home right now is exactly what’s needed, but being my age, I just want to go out and enjoy the warm weather and go on a walk with my best friend.

It’s also extremely hard to be motivated when you’re just doing the same things every day. I’ve been telling myself I’m going to quit eating junk food so much, but when you’re just laying around at home, it’s hard to choose the healthier options. I am just hoping that we can have a normal, healthy summer.

I hope everyone had an amazing week while enjoying the extra time with your family.