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McKenzie Lueck appointed County Auditor

POMEROY- McKenzie Lueck was unanimously appointed Garfield County Auditor by the Garfield County Commissioners on April 20 and will begin May 1, 2020.

Retiring Garfield County Auditor, Donna Deal, referred Lueck as her replacement when she officially announced her retirement on March 2, 2020. The Democratic Central Committee Chair Lynn Leverington, also submitted Lueck as their only recommendation.

Indigent Defense Attorney Julie Karl, is asking for a forty percent increase in the renewal contract with the county. The commissioners consider it a significant jump and will negotiate a contract allowing for a gradual increase. Commissioner Wynne McCabe agreed to discuss it with her and report back next meeting.

Justin Dixon announced that the County will begin advertising for fairgrounds hay crop bids in the next two to three weeks. The County also continues to work on the fairgrounds rental policy. Shaniece Korrell, Garfield County Fairground maintenance and Garfield County Courthouse Maintenance Dave Watko, is putting together a tool kit, and Sheriff Drew Hyer has loaned her an ATV, which would be retrieved for emergency use. Dixon asked for specific requests to present to the board.

The County is still working on preparing an advertisement for bids on the new sound system for the court. Distrcit Court Clerk, Katie Magill, indicated a legal call for bids will be submitted to the paper and run two weeks.

The next meeting of the Garfield County Commissioners will be Monday, April 27, 2020, 9 a.m., by teleconference.