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Port resumes construction of broadband network

POMEROY-Port of Garfield Director Diana Ruchert announced construction for the installation of broadband network has been shut down temporarily because of the Gov. Jay Inslee’s business closures until broadband construction was deemed essential. She also stated at the April 21 Port meeting that an extension to the construction contract deadline may be necessary, but not a grant extension. Ruchert will alert the Commissioners if that occurs.

Ruchert asked the commissioners to sign an interlocal agreement with the County, committing them to contribute $100,000 for the broadband project. The Port agrees to include connections in a “loop” from the courthouse to the County Roads Department, to the Prosecuting Attorney’s office, to Garfield County Transportation Authority office. It also allows for a connection to the fairgrounds, if there is excess funds to do so. However, Phase 1 of the broadband project has already experienced some overruns, so the fairgrounds will not be included in the first phase of construction. The commissioners agreed to sign the agreement, which will be presented to the County for payment.

Because of some unexpected increases in construction costs, as well as fees, Ruchert said she hopes the final total cost of Phase 1 will be less than $50,000 over budget, but stated that it could run as much as $75,000 over budget.

Columbia Pulp, which leases production space from the Port, has temporarily shut down its facility near Starbuck due to COVID-19. The Pomeroy location has also been shut down since last fall, and the lease for that location will expire by the end of May, 2020. Ruchert stated that she has not received word if they will continue to occupy that space, but expects to have that conversation with them soon.

Resolution 2020-3 was signed by the Port commissioners, which declares the Port’s support of the Garfield County Hospital District and special levy. The Port has given its support due to the fact that the hospital is a major employer in the county, and provides the community a valuable service, which enhances the community.

The Port has been following “pandemic guidelines” concerning staggering schedules for staff to prevent contact with other individuals, and allowing some work from home. The office doors remain closed, but staff will come outside if needed to keep proper social distancing. For the present, the Port has decided not to conduct monthly meetings by teleconference, but instead limit the number of people attending the meetings in person, using proper spacing for those in attendance, and allowing others to call in and participate through speaker phones.

The next meeting of the Port of Garfield Board of Commissioners will be held May 19, 2020, at 6 p.m

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