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Letter to the Editor

To the editor,

After checking with the county, I believe I spoke with Garfield District Court Clerk Katie Magill, when the County Sheriff or one of the Deputies writes a speeding ticket, out of a $110 fine, the State gets $87 and the county gets $23. I didn’t ask how much the State got if the State Patrol writes the ticket, I am just talking about the county guys. If it is the State Patrol, I just pay the ticket because that’s his job. But it isn’t the county’s job to be driving out here on the highway writing speeding tickets, I don’t think.

The County Sheriff or Deputies should not be writing tickets on the State highway or any place that is a State infraction; that is not a county infraction. Our county tax dollars should not be paying our deputies to write speeding tickets or DUIs or any type of tickets in the county on the State highway. That’s the State’s problem, not the county because we don’t get enough money for it. And as a tax payer, I think we shouldn’t be paying taxes to be paying those dunces. We used to, when I was a kid, have one sheriff and one deputy and we had more people in the county than today. Now we have seven or eight deputies, plus our sheriff. We don’t need that many for little ol’ county of Garfield.

The next concern is the DUI they give the local farmers, the local tax payers. It’s ridiculous. I know, back in the day, they would do stuff for them; they’d take them home, or follow them home, they helped them, not just give them a DUI and take them to jail then have their rigs impounded after they are on their own property. That ain’t right.

Now we have COVID-19. The reaction to this is plain ol’ liberalism, the people who think they are the law…they aren’t the law. This is Mother Nature’s way of thinning the herd, getting rid of the not-so-good ones. Its natural selection, like Blue Tongue in deer, it kills the weak ones. As far as people go, the weak ones are the liberals. Us people on this side of the mountains have more immunity. Send all them dunces back to the coast. Leave us in peace to go about our business.

Sonny Riley


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