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County enters Phase 2

POMEROY–Garfield County Commissioner Justin Dixon updated the East Washingtonian about the May 8approval letter from Secretary of Health John Leseman which informed Garfield County that it is among the five out of ten counties to re-open in Phase 2. “We appreciate the efforts by everyone in Garfield County who adhered to the Stay-at-Home order to maintain an element of safety and would like to see this practice continue,” Dixon said.

Governor Jay Inslee’s COVID-19 “Stay-at-Home” orders have been in effect since March 11, 2020, which officials attribute as sparing the citizens of Garfield County from COVID-19. During Inslee’s May 1 update, Garfield County was on the list of 10 Eastern Washington Counties approved to advance to Phase 2 in the phased re-opening plan. The remainder of the state would continue in Phase 1 for the next few weeks.

Garfield County Public Health Director Martha Lanman explained the County must complete an application for a variance to be able to begin Phase 2 activities. As part of the application process, there are several requirements that must be met, including a letter from the hospital verifying that they have an adequate supply of personal protection equipment, and an assurance that they have tested everyone that needs testing.

The Health District also must submit a plan to make testing available to everyone, have about 28 people trained to handle any case overload that may occur, have adequate isolation housing available, have plans for supervised house management, and plans to rapidly respond to any new suspected cases. Lanman expressed she should have everything in order for the application to go forward in the next day or two. They will then have to wait for the official approval.

The Health District recommended that Garfield County should move forward to Phase 2, but also encourages senior citizens to continue to stay at home, and everyone remain vigilant with all the precautions being practiced during the shutdown. The Governor will be issuing a list of requirements that businesses must follow to be able to participate in Phase 2. The commissioners voted unanimously and approved Resolution 2020-13, a request to Inslee to move to Phase 2.

Garfield County Prosecuting Attorney Matt Newburg stateed the Governor has not extended the open public meetings order, which previously prohibited in-person meetings. Under Phase 2, the meetings can occur in-person as long as social distancing practices are in place, and those in attendance wear masks. Teleconferences are still encouraged due to limited space in meeting rooms for those attending, and they may have to limit the number of people allowed in the room at the same time. If masks are required for in-person attendance, the County would have to supply them. Newburg also stated that Phase 2 will last for at least three weeks, but the protective measures required will most likely last for a much longer time.

Once the County can move on to Phase 3, the courthouse doors could be open to the public once again. Plans are being made to order protective shields for six offices within the courthouse where the public will be needing services, at an estimated cost of $1,400, plus $180 in shipping. Most, if not all, of the cost may be reimbursable through COVID-19 funding. It is expected to be a requirement of opening the courthouse. The shields will be movable, therefore causing no damage to the historical building. The County is also looking into ordering the same type of shields for other County offices, such as the Prosecutor, Public Works and Transportation offices.


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