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The Invitation

Community invited to participate in drive-by salute to P.H.S. Class of 2020

The Class of 2020 and Pomeroy School District would like to invite the community to celebrate the accomplishments of our graduates by driving by the football field on June 13 at 1:30-1:50 p.m. The community is asked to drive by and give the gowned and capped graduates a honk and a cheer of congratulations and encouragement. All participants must stay in their vehicles, except the graduating seniors.

Pomeroy School District celebrates the Class of 2020 at the Garfield County Fairgrounds on June 13 at 2:30 p.m. The graduation ceremony will be restricted to the graduates, school district administration and staff, and immediate family of the graduates. The graduation plan follows the guidelines of the Phase 3 safety plan for Washington State and Garfield County.

The graduates and their parents will parade to the fairgrounds to prepare for the ceremony at approximately 1:55 p.m. Parents have been given specific parking spots and instructions. Families of the graduates must remain in their cars during the ceremony. All families are expected to follow the guidelines for social distancing within Phase 3 to ensure the health and safety of all participants.

Pomeroy School District is excited to celebrate the 22 graduates of the Class of 2020. Although we cannot provide a traditional PHS graduation, the administration feels this will be a great celebration for our students and their families. Thank you for your support and we look forward to the community's participation in the Graduate celebration at the football field."

–Rachel Gwinn


Pomeroy School District