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Additional costs to finish Columbia Fifth and Sixth Street projects

POMEROY–Chris Workman of the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) asked Luke Antonich of TD&H Engineering, to provide an installation cost for the new sidewalk on the north side of Columbia in the Columbia Fifth to Sixth Street project since it was not part of the initial bid. Councilman James Harris also asked if removal and paving of the sidewalk area had been included in the bid packet. Antonich said it was not included in the original bid. The project’s initial bid for Columbia Street was to go in with curb and gutter, gravel in the parking strips and no sidewalk except on the far eastern corner.

He told the council they could put in a change order for the sidewalk. Tree roots would have to be removed and a bid obtained from the contractor, Nelson Construction. Workman of TIB has indicated in an email that they cannot provide any additional funds.

Antonich told the council that Nelson Construction has signaled work will start with erosion and traffic control first on June 15, followed by actual excavation beginning on Tuesday or Wednesday. He said he has discussed the prep work and paving for S&L Underground’s portion of the Sixth Street Bridge project and is preparing an estimate ensuring that paving would be done. According to Antonich, there is approximately $30,000 remaining to accomplish waterproofing and paving the bridge. He added that the remaining funds from paving may or may not be adequate.

Fuchs asked if Nelson Construction has provided a COVID-19 plan, and Antonich said that he had received a plan as required by TIB. Regarding restrictions imposed by the coronavirus, Mayor Miller said although Garfield County has entered Phase 3, he had received an email from the Garfield County Health Department stating that expansion of group size doesn’t apply to public meetings in public places, which are still limited in size. A link in the email was forwarded to the Mayor, council members and Public Works staff.

Sheriff Hyer said that over the Month of May, calls were up by eleven, but there were no major incidents. The department is receiving more public nuisance calls, although parties being notified are getting better at taking care of the problems. There is also an increase in unemployment fraud claims. Hyer said he has been working hard on getting personal protective equipment and recently obtained 500 lbs. of hand sanitizer which the Civil Air Patrol delivered free of charge, and was distributed to various agencies in the community. The department now has a special Amazon account set up for emergency responders.

Mayor Miller presented the names of the manager, lifeguards and opening date for the city pool for the council’s approval. Pool manager: Leslie Schmidt; returning lifeguards: Vegas Vecchio, Raelin Borley, Jordan Tucker and Crystal Gordon; and new lifeguards: Kaylee Schmidt, Josie Zimmerman, Kyler Denny, Jaden Slusser and Katie Boyer. Harris moved to confirm the Mayor’s hiring, Fuchs seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Fuchs informed the council that the last day of school is Wednesday, June 17th and suggested the pool open on that day.

Clerk Shaun Martin told the council that federal funds in the amount of $42,000 are being made available to the city for COVID-19 relief expenses. These funds are to be used solely for COVID-related costs and cannot be used for any budget shortfalls as of now, although Garfield County Emergency Management Director John Hirsch indicated that might be a possibility down the road.

There were no Council Committee Reports and no report from Public Works Director Kenny Landkammer. Martin reviewed the normal monthly and age analysis reports included in each council member’s packet and some of the effects of the COVID-19 situation on the city’s operation were discussed.

City council met for its regular monthly meeting via teleconference on June 9, 2020. City officials in attendance were Mayor Paul Miller, councilmembers Susie Bowles, James Fuchs, Mike Cassetto and James Harris, plus city clerk Shaun Martin. Not present was councilman Adam Hodges.

The next regular meeting will be on July 7, 2020, at 7 p.m.

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