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School Board approves summer school sports protocol

POMEROY––A “Summer 2020 School Sports Protocol” for any school team that would like to practice and run drills during the summer vacation was approved by the School District Board of Directors on June 29, 2020. The plan was then it was also approved by the Garfield County Health District as of June 30, 2020.

Using the guidance from the Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the Washington Department of Health and the National Federation of State High School Associations, the protocol, written by the School District Athletic Directors which outlines rules and requirements for outdoor and indoor activities, and is intended for Pomeroy athletes and local youth only.

Outdoor activities and practices would be limited to groups of 50 or less, and utilize drill pods of five to ten athletes who would be working exclusively with that pod each day, to limit exposure to just a few other athletes. While outside, only, masks will not be required.

There are no contact drills authorized, including football. No shoulder pads or helmets will be issued to athletes. Any athlete not involved in a drill will be required to maintain a proper distance from other athletes. Everyone involved in the practice will be required to wash or sanitize their hands upon arrival to the practice area. No sharing of water bottles or towels will be allowed, and the locker rooms will be off limits, except for the use of the restroom.

Coaches will be required to schedule all practices and activities through Lori Flynn, School District Secretary, so that the janitorial staff will be aware of the need to sanitize the restrooms. Athletes and coaches must complete and submit a COVID-19 screening form to be kept on file, and an athlete and coach monitoring form must be completed each day of practice or activity, also to be kept on file. Anyone who answers “yes” to a screening question will be sent home immediately. Coaches must also present a safety plan to the athletic directors, and receive approval, for sanitizing of equipment to be used.

Indoor activities and practices are limited to school team members and paid coaches only, with the same requirements outlined above for outdoor activities. The use of the weight room at the high school will be subject to the District Weight Room guidelines.

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