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GCFD Hires New Fire Chief

POMEROY-The Garfield County Fire District (GCFD) announced during the Tuesday, July 14 meeting, that James Cleveland has accepted their offer to be the Fire Chief for the district. The annual salary of $78,000, one year of probation, and a start date of August 31, 2020, was agreed upon. Per recommendation of the GCFD's attorney, Bryan Snure, a contract will be drafted and requirements of a drug test and background check will be added.

Cleveland stated that he is excited to come to Pomeroy, and is currently working to get his Massachusetts credentials as paramedic and firefighter transferred to Washington.

The commissioners discussed and approved to compensate Kyle Pearson for the time and hard work that he has done as interim Fire Chief by paying him $1,000 per month, retroactively from Jan. 1, 2020, to June 30, 2020. They will also continue to pay him on the regular monthly payroll cycle going forward through September, 2020. During his time as the interim Fire Chief, he has only been paid his regular Captain's wages.

Kyson Fruh, who has been serving as a full-time intern at the GCFD office this summer, will have his internship extended through the end of the year, with a performance evaluation in November.

Pearson gave the Chief's report, stating that he has been evaluating everyone's training time, with just one person coming up just a little short. Typically by the first half of the year, 10 trainings have occurred. This year, however, only six have been completed due to restrictions caused by COVID-19. He also proposed purchasing a mobile water tank that would hold about 360 gallons of water. The tank could be moved by helicopter to locations needed where water is not available. He estimated the cost of the tank at $1,500, plus a pump that would also be needed at $400. He is still looking into the cost of the helicopter service. The decision will be made by the commissioners after further investigation.

The new sign for the GCFD, custom designed and made by Jim Melena, will be installed sometime in the week of July 13, 2020.