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Repairs to U.S. Forest Service building estimated at $44,485

POMEROY–The Port of Garfield Director Diana Ruchert, reported to the Port of Garfield Board of Commissioners the cost for the U.S. Forest Service building maintenance repairs is approximately $44,485: painting services $28,485, paint $8,000, and patio concrete $8,000. Per terms of the lease agreement, the Port is responsible for the repairs.

In addition, the termination of the construction contract with M&L Construction has prompted Port Director Ruchert to place an advertisement for construction bids to complete the broadband system project. She advised the Board at the August 4 meeting that the deadline for submitting new bids is August 17, 2020, at 1 p.m. According to Ruchert, several requests for proposal documents have already been received.

Ruchert also reported that the Garfield County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) has requested to have the Garfield County Fairgrounds included with the first phase of broadband construction. She said that the Port could handle the addition as a "public works" project, where the County agrees to pay the estimated $110,00 additional costs of construction. In the process of extending the broadband service to the Fairgrounds, other homes and businesses in the area could also be included in the service extension. The commissioners agreed to approve the extension to the Fairgrounds, as long as the County agrees to pay the costs involved. If all parties agree, the Port will put the project out to bid.

The Port of Garfield is accepting applications to fill the vacated position on the Board of Commissioners for District 2, and have placed an advertisement in the East Washingtonian. No applications had been received as of August 4. The Board is hopeful to be able to make an appointment at their next meeting, August 18, 2020.