Your Hometown News Source

Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

As we begin a new school year, I feel overwhelmingly grateful for our staff, families and community. As we move forward into a school year that will be much different than any other year we have had, I know that this community of amazing people is going to continue to carry us all forward, despite the uncertainties in the world right now. Together we will support each other and the kids of our community.

Our top priority this summer has been to get our schools back open this fall in a way that protects student and staff health and safety. Learning is a social activity, and it is imperative that students get as much face-to-face time with their educators and peers as possible. However, we also know that while we can mitigate any educational loss, we cannot mitigate the loss of life. I have worked directly with Garfield County Health District to ensure that our reopening plan has established health and safety protocols so we can safely reopen our buildings to our students. Our county has been deemed safe to fully reopen at this time, due to our low number of COVID-19 cases in our region. The importance of a quality education, social-emotional learning, the ability to address food and special needs, the need for parents to work, and so many other critical issues, also factored into our decision to reopen. Again, I believe we are capable of keeping everyone safe so we can meet all the needs of our students and families.

While the challenges facing us are unprecedented, each of us can be comforted by the fact that the professionalism, talent, and persistence of our staff are unparalleled. While our challenges are complex, our goals and commitments to our students, families and each other are consistent and clear. At this time, we need to allow our thinking, our tools and our methodology to be always evolving and flexible. We do not know all the answers to the complex challenges and issues ahead, but we are confident that, collaboratively, we will successfully meet every challenge with a passionate commitment to the health and safety of every student and adult within our district, while at the same time ensuring high levels of learning for each student, every day! I ask that you give our staff grace as we begin teaching in a new environment, with new expectations and protocols that are invaluable to the health and safety of us all.

Please also know that I understand and respect the difficult decisions all of our families are having to make in regards to their child’s education. I am always available to discuss any concerns or questions you may have. I want what is best for your children, and we all share the same goal, which is to help mold these young people into responsible, kind and intelligent adults.

As always, we will be closely monitoring any orders and guidance from the governor, as well as expert advice from the Washington State Department of Health, and the Garfield County Health District.

We appreciate your patience and understanding throughout this entire process. I appreciate you entrusting us to teach and learn with your children. We look forward to the first day of school on August 31st!

Rachel Gwinn


Pomeroy, Wash.

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