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Garfield County Transit Authority hires two new drivers

POMEROY–The Garfield County Transportation Authority (GCTA) announced the hire of two new part-time drivers Monday, Aug. 17.

The pair were hired out of three qualified applicants. Kristine Hyer and Dave Boyer will begin driving for the GCTA after training.

Director Rachel Anderson stated that due to the COVID-19 Phase 3 status, all trips are limited to four riders at a time. Recently, some potential riders have been turned away due to the limitation. However, for the medical appointment and shopper trips, medical appointments get priority.

There was no progress to report on the lawsuit vs. the State of Washington regarding I-976.

A public meeting is planned for the 2020 Transit Development Plan on September 21, 2020. Also, a Human Services Transportation Plan public meeting regarding grants will take place September 3, 2020, via webinar.

The next meeting of the GCTA will be held on September 21, 2020, at 11 a.m. Teleconference may be available.