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$16,357 conferencing equipment purchase approved

POMEROY–The Garfield County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) gave Grant Morgan, Garfield County Public Works Director approval to move forward with the purchase of conferencing center multi-media units costing $16,357 at the October 19 meeting.

Morgan had been asked to seek some references of the specific conferencing center multi-media units being considered for purchase. He reported he spoke with a community college that had purchased the same type of equipment and had been using it for quite a while and were pleased. The purchase price of $16,357.14 has been approved by the grant administrator for CARES Act funding, using a state roster contractor. Morgan was given approval by the BOCC to move forward with the purchase.

Commissioner Justin Dixon reported he had received some questions from citizens about the Old Gould City Road, which appears to abruptly end in a field, but not posted with a “Dead End” sign. Rod Norland, County Roads Supervisor, agreed to construct a sign as soon as possible. Morgan suggested that a fence across the road end may also be helpful.

Morgan also gave an update on the project to extend broadband fiber to the fairgrounds. He stated that the Port of Garfield has begun the construction process of extending the fiber, but the County will need to get an independent estimate for connecting it to the buildings. That portion of the project may not happen by the end of 2020.

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