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Pomeroy Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

November 24, 2010

Continuous snowfall blanketed the streets and sidewalks of Pomeroy as forecasts called for colder weather and snow around the Thanksgiving holiday.

In Pomeroy, the Thanksgiving weekend is almost like two holidays in one, because the tradition for decades has been for Santa Claus to arrive in town that weekend. The 6th annual Santa’s Christmas Starlight Parade continues this ritual.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 29, 1995

Residents will be able to enjoy two new percussion instruments recently provided to the school by the Music Boosters and the school district when the winter concert is presented, 34-inch Zildjian Gong and a professional set of Orchestral Bells.

The sixth annual Christmas Giving Tree is now on display in the lobby at U.S. Bank of Washington, Pomeroy branch.

Fifty Years Ago

November 26, 1970

McKeirnan Hardware & Implement Co., a pioneer Pomeroy firm, was honored for the distinction of being an International Harvester Co. dealer for 60 years with the presentation of a plaque to Manager John Malone. McKeirnan’s and a firm in Grangeville, Id., are the oldest IHC dealers in the entire northwest.

The Kiwanis Club will host a banquet honoring the 1970 undefeated Pomeroy Pirate football team in the multi-purpose room of the grade school.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

November 29, 1945

The 40-passenger school bus known as bus No. 9, hauling children to and from school in the Kirby-Mayview district was badly damaged by fire while it was stored in a combination garage and barn at the home of the vehicle’s driver, Leo Behlau, at Pataha City. It is reported a juvenile boy has confessed to setting fire to the barn. The bus, largest of the 13 owned and operated by school district No. 110, was valued at approximately $3,000. The district estimates the loss will run in the neighborhood of $1,500, fully covered by insurance. Quick action on the part of the rural fire department saved the bus from complete destruction. It was pulled from the burning building, but not until the flames had destroyed the body of the bus and seat upholstery. The chassis and engine apparently were not damaged. The vehicle was driving by its own power to Spokane where it is to be repaired. It should again be in operation within the next four weeks.

McKeirnan Hardware & Implement company have on display in their showroom their first new 1946 Oldsmobile car, a two-door sedan equipped with Hydra-Matic drive, a combination of a fluid coupling and a fully automatic transmission. Gears shift automatically through all four forward speeds and there’s not even a clutch pedal in the car.

The Junior Chamber of Commerce has resumed its practice of offering cash prizes for the best-decorated home during the Yuletide season. Three prizes will be awarded: first, $5, second, $3; third, $2, in war stamps.

One Hundred Years Ago

November 27, 1920

W.J. Houser has filed a deed conveying rights to Bihlmaier springs water acceptable to the city, if the deed passes the legal test. The city will get the use of the water for four months each year, beginning May 15, which will cover the entire dry period. Mr. Houser reserves only supply for domestic use and fire protection.

More family parties, but smaller ones, seems to be the Thanksgiving trend in Pomeroy. The big family reunion is gradually being replaced by the smaller groups, with a corresponding increase in the number of hosts and decrease in the number of guests. Also it is safe to say that more people participate in observing the day now than formerly when the pleasures and burdens of entertaining fell upon a smaller number.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 23, 1895

Be thankful that you are able to eat turkey with the ladies of the Baptist church next Thursday. Tyrrel Building, Main street. Price 25 cents.

Nick Thoma and wife have added one more to Pomeroy’s population—a bright girl baby putting in an appearance at their home the other day. Mother and daughter doing well and Nick is as smart as could be expected.

Dr. Lemman, the painless dentist, will be at St. George Hotel Monday morning for business. The finest fillings only 50¢, warranted.

The Ruark schoolhouse, near Mayview, went up in smoke one evening last week and some of our astronomers discovered a comet in the “eastern heavens” the same evening. Others noticed the novel and striking phenomenon of a massive red haze or glow in the northeast sky which shone with great brilliancy and with but little change of form for 25 or 30 minutes. But no one—not even the great weather prognosticator, knew that a building was on fire that evening.