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Garfield County District Court–Judge Tom Cox:

November 6, 2020

Stephanie L. Anderson, most recently of Coeur d'Alene, pleaded guilty to the gross misdemeanor offense of Possession of a Dangerous Weapon, brass knuckles. Anderson was sentenced to two days jail, and placed on transport to Latah Co. Idaho, where she was wanted on a 'No Bail' felony warrant.

November 13, 2020

Robert J. Adams, of Pomeroy, pleaded guilty to a number of criminal allegations. Adams pleaded guilty to Malicious Mischief 3rd Degree Domestic Violence (DV) and was sentenced to eight hours community service; $243; and must complete mental health and substance abuse evaluations with treatment. Adams also pleaded guilty to Harassment and was sentenced to 15 days jail; $43; and the same evaluation and treatment requirements. Adams pleaded guilty to Criminal Trespass and was sentenced to six days jail; $43; and treatment. Lastly, Adams pleaded guilty to Driving While License suspended 3rd Degree and was sentenced to: one–day jail and must pay $146.

November 18, 2020

Chris Rardin, of Pomeroy, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor Hit and Run Unattended Property and was fined $451.

Garfield County Superior Court – Judge Tom Cox

November 18, 2020

Darion Hyland, most recently of Pomeroy, pleaded guilty to Indecent Liberties without forcible compulsion, a Class B Felony. Hyland was released from jail with conditions, in order to complete a Pre-Sentence Investigation through the Dept. Of Corrections before returning to court for sentencing in January.

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