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Hospital experiences first in-house COVID positive tests

POMEROY–Garfield County Hospital District had the first in-house patients test positive for COIVD-19 November 17. In response, facility-wide testing of all patients and staff was done using rapid tests and PCR tests, say Garfield County Hospital District officials.

The rapid test revealed four patients with COVID–19, of which three are currently asymptomatic and none are GCHD staff. The more sensitive PCR tests where expedited to the reference lab to verify rapid test results.

Presently, all patients are isolating in their rooms and all staff who are in contact with patients, wear the more protective N95 masks, eye coverings, isolation gowns, and gloves. The hospital district is taking every measure to limit and prevent further spread within the facility, officials said.

"As much as we hoped that this time would never come," said Matt Slaybaugh, Co-CEO and GCHD spokesman, "we knew that it was likely inevitable. We have spent months preparing for this and are well equipped to care for these patients.

"The good part of this situation coming about now is that we have in-house three different treatment options that are approved for COVID-19," Slaybaugh said. "We will continue to work closely with the health department in our response and do our best to keep the community up-to-date."

Rendered 11/24/2024 06:21