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Gazebo renovation project underway

POMEROY––Two projects here are underway, the Pomeroy City Council heard at its January 5 meeting. The Gazebo Restoration Project at the City Park was started on December 29 and the Fifth Street Lift Station repair projects is underway.

Concrete has been poured and, moving forward, the Gazebo project appears to have a week or two to go, discussion indicated. Council was told there has been some concern expressed about the paint colors of the gazebo. Mayor Paul Miller asked Council members to think about it, and Councilman James Harris suggested contacting the Blue Mountain Artisans Guild (BMAG) to see if they could create some color samples.

Repairs have begun on the Fifth Street Lift Station and should be completed on schedule in one or two weeks.

In other business, a signature authorization was needed in order to allow the mayor to sign the contract for the Booster Station in the amount of $109,760 with the Department of Commerce. Councilman James Fuchs moved to authorizing the mayor to sign, Harris seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Ordinance 917 was proposed to correct the 2021 Budget, which was passed last month. Some of the errors were due to accidental duplicate entries, transferring of interest from one fund to another, and the late submission of an outstanding bill. After reviewing the errors and corrections, Harris moved to correct the errors to the budget with Ordinance 918, Budget Amendment #918, Bowles seconded, and it passed unanimously.

Martin discussed the quarterly cash and age analysis reports. Harris, after reviewing and finding no problems with the consent agenda, moved to approve it. Fuchs seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Sheriff Drew Hyer did not present his monthly department report in person but submitted it to the Council in their information packets.

The meeting went into executive session at 7:52 to discuss the hiring of a candidate for the position of City Superintendent. This ended at 8:40 p.m. and the meeting was adjourned by the mayor.

Due to technical issues, the 7 p.m. meeting was unable to convene for nearly half an hour.

The next regular monthly meeting will be on February 9, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.