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Spring Farming Days tentatively planned

POMEROY–David Ruark, Eastern Washington Agricultural Museum (EWAM), said they are still considering holding a Spring Farming Days event during the weekend of April 2-4. He also said the group has been given some new donations to the museum that will be picked up as weather allows.

A Spring Jackpot show at the fairgrounds with a tentative date set for April 10 is being planned. Due to COVID restrictions there will not be any camping or food available at the show.

Board president Sara Lunsford said the mounted shooters would like to plan an event for Saturday of fair weekend as they have done in the past, and like previous arrangements, they will pay gate fees and any camping fees but will not pay for use of the arena as it is viewed as entertainment for fairgoers. The group is expecting about thirty entries this year. There were no objections to this event from members of the board, but they need to provide an updated copy of their insurance.

Some non-food vendors would like to be able to share time in booths so individuals did not have to commit to having to be in the booth all weekend during the fair.

The board approved allowing the sharing of booths as long as all parties are named in the contract and insured after a lengthy discussion regarding contracts, insurance and logistics.

The suggestion was made that the board look into an online fair entry system allowing people to make entries before fair week in order to relieve some of the stress of that week. The decision was made to schedule fair entry demos and have Monica Bartlow as well as several interested board members view the demos.

Updates or corrections to the fair's premium book need to be turned in to the extension office as soon as possible. Ruark suggested that the hay bale contest be dropped since there have been no entries for years. Jamie Hames thought someone needed to read through the premium book in its entirety to make sure there were no grammatical errors.

Lunsford had sent out an email of a draft of the new by-laws before the meeting and items in the revised by-laws were discussed. Board members were asked to review the draft and send any ideas and suggestions to Lunsford to be discussed again at next month's meeting, scheduled for March 16, 2021, at 7 p.m. Options for an in-person meeting with teleconference option will be explored.

After Monica Bartlow gave the Treasurer's report, Larry Ledgerwood added that the Shepherd Foundation grants will receive matching funds.

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