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Pastor's Corner

First Fruits of Spring

Spring is one of my favorite times of year (second only to Autumn). I love the return of light and life to everything. It lifts my spirits to see flowers, hear birds, and feel the warm sun on my face. It promises more life and growth to come.

In Leviticus 23:10-11, the people of God were given an unusual assignment: when the first bits of barley (from which they made their life-sustaining bread) began to spring up, they were to harvest them and bring them to the Temple. Then, on the first day of the week, the day after Sabbath, as the sun rose, the priest would wave some of the sheafs of grain; the "bread", as an offering to God. It was a way of saying "Thank you, Lord, for providing for us. We present the "firstfruits" of our crop back to you. We trust you will continue to bring forth the bread of life from the earth for us". In this way, all the people acknowledged -even depended upon- God's continued goodness for their survival. They trusted Him for more life to come.

Fast forward to Jesus' day. Jesus often called Himself the "Bread of Life". Indeed, He even called a loaf of bread "My body, given for you" (Luke 22:19). The next day, a Friday, He was crucified as a sacrifice for all mankind, and buried in the earth. Yet, that is not the end of the story.

Two days later, on Sunday morning, the day after the Sabbath, the priest in the Temple prepared to present the offering of firstfruits on behalf of the people, according to the Law. At the same time, the High Priest stirred in His tomb. As the sun rose over Jerusalem, the Bread of Life rose from the earth, the "Firstfuit" of the Resurrection and promise of eternal life to come!

It is no coincidence that God asked the people to remember His provision with an offering of firstfuits. It is no coincidence that it happens in Spring. As you look around a world made new this season, be reminded of the promise of new life made at this time 2,000 years ago. Be reminded and know that God desires to make all things new, from the flowers and birds, to even you.

Rev. Evan Elwell

Pomeroy Church of the Nazarene
