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On the Edge of Common Sense

The Horse Trader

“Have I got a deal for you! Got this horse on a trade.

He don’t squint half as bad ridin’ him in the shade.

I know he limps a little. Yer eyeball is astute.

But fair is fair, my friend, so I’ll throw in a case of Bute.

No! He ain’t got the heaves! Though I know he looks the part.

He’s just a heavy breather, but he’s got a lot of heart.

Bloodlines? Talkin’ royal blue. A genuine contender.

I’ll have these papers printed; fit any race you enter.”

The would-be buyer of this horse just stared and shook his head.

He looked the trader in the eye and said it when he said,

“The only people that I know who’d ride that horse, I’d vow.

Are too poor to ride a Quarter Horse n’ too proud to ride a cow!”

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