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Words matter: Which preposition makes it clear

As you may have already read, the House Democrats passed H.R. 1 with little opposition, paving the way for Senate approval, where, if passed, it will transfer election authority to the federal government, where there is no oversight. Just this change in policy will open the door to attacks on individuals for their political views, silencing any opposition to any issue.

Who does this benefit? Not the “people” of the United States. It gives government the power to manipulate and query election protocols at anytime for the purpose of swinging a vote one way or another. H.R. 1, the “For the People Act” of 2021 is not “For” the people, but what the government will do “To” the people.

What exactly will this policy bring to this nation and how will it change elections henceforth?

First, it intends to reject the constitutional requirement of the states to run their elections, giving full authority to the federal government. During the 2020 election cycle, changes were made in certain states to advance open balloting and dismiss ordinary identity safeguards during and for the 2020 election. According to the Epoch Times March 6, 2021 article “Key Things you need to know about H.R. 1, the For the People Act of 2021,” by Masooma Haq, “Congress finds that it has broad authority to regulate the time, place, and manner of congressional elections under the Elections Clause of the Constitution, Article I, section 4.” That is their interpretation.

The article states it will place limits on a plaintiff’s access to federal courts when challenging H.R. 1, mandating any lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of H.R. 1 can only be filed in the District Court of the District of Columbia and all plaintiffs file jointly must use one attorney. Sounds to me like government overreach in the ability for citizens to question the motives of the government.

It also mandates automatic voter registration (AVR) in every state through entities such as upper education institutes, the Department of Motor Vehicles, social services or any government agency to which your information is provided; even those under 18 years of age. It also provides same-day registration and no-fault ballots which does not require a signature of notarization for absentee ballots and extends the closing date to 10-days after an election.

In turn, it would make verifying addresses or cross-checking illegal. Election Officials will have no way to confirm a voter’s eligibility to vote. According to Haq, it would restore the voting rights act which criminalizes “hindering, or preventing” anyone from registering or voting. People will not need to show identification to vote because it will ban state voter ID laws. This will make it easy for non-citizens to vote.

Other changes come in the form of mandated early voting, nationwide vote by mail, ballot harvesting, and it will allow states to extended ballot collection past the 10-day deadline. “Mandate absentee voter boxes are made available for 45 days within the election and all hours of the day. H.R. 1 also allows curbside voting.”

We have all witnessed redistricting precincts and how that all turned out. A new policy or candidate is voted in due to the change demographics. H.R. 1 will require that independent congressional district commissions are set up, taking power away from the state legislature, but evidence shows that “independent” redistricting commissions are in truth run by Democrats for their advantage,” said Haq.

It codifies the Democrats’ Disclose Act which restrict corporate participation in elections but “will violate free speech rights” based on Republican counter to the legislation’s transparency requirements.” It will provide oversight of online political advertising, the “Stand by Every Ad Act”. Campaign money will not be allowed to pay for internet advertising. But yet, it allows politicians to “use campaign funds for personal use: Under a provision called the “Help America Run Act,” which legalizes the use of campaign donations for person expenses such as child care,” reported Haq.

A National Commission to protect United States Democratic Institutions will be created to conduct elections studies by a 10-member group, four selected by the minority party, giving the majority party control, which is Democratic at this time.

H.R. 1 will diminish 100 years of action taken to keep elections protected and fair, by advocating the misinterpretation of the Constitution by the Supreme Court in favor of monied interest and taking it a step further by proposing to amend the Constitution to allow Congress and States to regulate limits on raising and spending money.

“The bill would decrease the number of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) members from six to five. In this case, four members can be associated with a particular political party making the fifth member “independent,’ nominated by a president associated with a party,” stated Haq.

H.R. 1 will require the president, vice president, their families or anyone seeking employment in the administration, to divest all financial interests that could be construed as a conflict of interest. And, the FEC will require presidential candidates to submit their tax returns no later the 15 days after they become a covered candidate. They shall also submit individual tax returns to the Federal Election Commission for the 10 most taxable years filed with the Internal Revenue Service.

Now, many of these changes seem harmless, but this nagging knot in my gut says the wool is being pulled over the American peoples’ eyes and as innocuous as this seems, perhaps we need to take a step back and understand the full ramifications of these changes in regard to the sanctity and lawfulness of our elections.

I keep thinking of the phrase “I’m from the government and I am here to help you.” That pushes my built-in, bulletproof BS detector.

What does the government want to do “to” us now? I am sure it is not “for” us, but it is for someone or something. Let’s just slow it down here and gather out wits before we start hacking away at our Constitution.

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