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Letters to the Editor

The Shot is the Greatest Crime Against Humanity Ever Committed. As a lifelong resident of Washington State and an ally to those who pursue and support medical freedom, I respectfully and strongly voice my grievances to the public in relation to the current and any future vaccine mandates. By use of force and fear, our governor has created chaos in the lives of those who do not support his mandates. We will not be compelled into receiving a vaccine with less than one year of dedicated research and no true proof of long-term efficacy, nor should any single person possess the power to make medical, life altering decisions for a whole population. The need to coerce the people of Washington under the threat of termination from employment is a crime against humanity and will ultimately be the demise of many homes, communities, schools, hospitals, etc.

We must put a stop to the detrimental decisions of our governor; the livelihood of the free people depend on this. We have lost too many lives due to the oversight, overreach, and removal of opinions voiced by our frontline workers. After overcoming COVID and surviving the deadliest part of this epidemic, we can agree science has recognized natural antibodies as a proven line of defense, those who have chosen to be vaccinated have done so, and many prophylactic options and treatments could be and should be made available to the public. To help alleviate the increasing burden placed upon our overworked and understaffed healthcare system, those most at risk or effected by this virus should have the option to seek alternative prophylactic and proven treatments. Handpicked, high priced treatments and vaccines with a high rate of injury should not be our only options. No vaccine should lead to injury or death, a side effect worse or equal to that of the virus. No one should be forced to choose between a vaccine or the ability to provide for themselves and their family. This is a free nation, we are free people, and we have the ability to make decisions of our own will. A single person or group of individuals cannot take this from us. Forced vaccines constitute a form of battery, and the Supreme Court long made clear “no right is more sacred than the right of every individual to the control of their own person, free from all restraints of interference of others.” We cannot be bullied into submission.

Chris Herres

Pomeroy, Wash.

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