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New mask mandate may affect Garfield County Fair

POMEROY – The Garfield County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) discussed Washington State Governor Jay Inslee's mandate at their meeting on September 13. Governor Inslee has mandated that all events with an attendance higher than 500 people require masks to be worn indoors and out. The board discussed how the mandate would affect the Garfield County Fair and decided to post signage encouraging mask-wearing, and make an announcement if the daily number of fair attendees reaches 500. Attendees will be counted as they come through the ticket booth.

The BOCC held a public hearing about a right-of-way franchise agreement with the Port of Garfield County. The agreement allows the Port the right to use county roads to place, maintain, and operate fiber optic internet. No public comment was brought forth at the meeting, and the agreement is being drafted.

Matt Newberg notified the board that the waste loading ramp at the Garfield County Fair beef barn has worked loose from the wall it is secured to. County Engineer Grant Morgan will make sure it gets fixed before fair time.

Washington Rural Counties Insurance Risk Pool, the insurance provider that Garfield County is transitioning to, sent the board several documents for their review through Insurance Agent Adam Hodges. They are the pool's bylaws, a resolution for their records, and an inter-local agreement. The documents will be reviewed by County Prosecutor Matt Newberg and be considered at the next board meeting.

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