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Pomeroy Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

October 26, 2011

Garfield County 4-H leaders will offer a quilt camp in early November for adults want to learn about quilting. Sheree Ledgerwood said the camp will include making a small lap quilt that can be completed during the camp.

Norma Cox doesn’t have any secret to reaching 100 years old, and was actually surprised by the milestone. “I never dreamed of such a thing,” she said of reaching a century of birthdays on Friday, October 21, 2011.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 30, 1996

Jessica Henty, a Pomeroy High School junior, recently received the Walla Walla Union-Bulletin’s Athlete of the Week honors. She is a member of the Pomeroy High School varsity volleyball team.

Bob Kelly, Pomeroy’s roving retired banker, made his fourth trip to Eastern Europe in September, to train bankers in the Republic of Georgia in the former Soviet Union.

Fifty Years Ago

October 28, 1971

Ed Ledgerwood and the state FFA livestock judging team returned home after placing 15th of 46 teams entered at the convention in Kansas City. For its standing the team received a silver emblem. Ledgerwood, in the second highest judges group, received a personal silver emblem. Also returning from the convention were Ray Ledgerwood and Paul Kimble, Pomeroy delegates.

Garfield County Fair Association started plans for next year’s fair and approved a five-year plan for improvements. Members voted to “look for” a carnival for next year’s fair, although several noted that local organizations did make more money than they could have this year had a carnival been booked. A “fleabag” outfit would be worse than none, and noted that there were other arguments on both sides regarding the carnival.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

October 31, 1946

We had a ride in a Jeep the other day. We might say to those who have been denied this thrill that the same effect can be secured from a ride in an empty lumber wagon over a freshly plowed field.

Hunters are already beginning to arrive in town from outside points and among them are some of the 58 men who were snowbound in the Mt. Misery sector for several days last year, in mid-November following a heavy snow storm and wind that piled the snow in drifts, on the highway in places, to a depth of 20 feet. Some of these men vowed that they would never come bac–but here they are.

One Hundred Years Ago

October 29, 1921

J.V. Carithers has installed in his jewelry store the new poison gas device which is said to make protection against burglary absolutely certain. If a safe is blown, the gas is released and the burglar overcome or killed outright, according to the guarantee which comes with this invention. In this manner, it is said, a burglar was caught after blowing a safe at Davenport recently.

W.E Garby, when about to leave with a motor truck for Portland Tuesday was surprised by the sheriff, who acting under information presented by Assessor Philip Scoggin, seized the truck for taxes amounting to $135.02. This amount was held against two trucks assessed here, one of which has since been removed to Idaho.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

October 31, 1896

Taken up by the undersigned, 10 miles west of Pomeroy, Wash., one sorrel horse, with white hind feet and white snip in face, branded H H on left hip, 8 to 10 years old, weight about 850 lbs. Said animal is breechy and unless owner pays charges and takes him away he will be sold according to law. – Wm. Blanton

Sorry to say that little Nellie Miller is no better at present writing.

Our school Dad, Prof. Newquist, was seen whizzing around Peola with a Pomeroy girl. Those squashes he has been engaging may come in good play before spring.

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