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Pastor's Corner

Promises, promises...

Happy New Year everyone! The traditional way to celebrate, after we recover from the holidays, anyway, is to make some type of resolution. You know those: it’s where we promise for the thousandth time to really make that change, we said we were always going to do: lose weight is common, maybe learn something, or visit somewhere. Then we drop a bunch of money, or immediately forget. That leads to the other tradition: failing to keep those resolutions.

The truth is, real change rarely happens because we made a resolution. Sure, it starts with a decision, but we don’t sit down, make a promise in the diary and then suddenly become a different person. I remember that when I was a kid, I was short and skinny. One day I decided to grow, so I started eating carrots and doing things like jumping jacks. I thought that would trigger my growth. It didn’t work. Growth takes time. Changes are more often made in little, tiny increments each day.

Change is a marathon, not a sprint. Ever see someone run a marathon? We think, I could run faster than that! That guy is hardly moving! A marathon is not about pace. It is about consistency over time, not how much progress is made each step, but how many steps you take.

Now here is the interesting thing: God has granted you free will. That means He has granted you freedom. Now, He certainly has ways He wants you to use that freedom. Not all choices are good, and not all we think is good, really is. Yet, we are given the freedom of choice in life, none the less. Do you know what that means?

It means God expects change. He expects improvement. He set us up for a marathon, and He gave us the ability to take a step in the right direction each day. Have you failed at something before? You get to try again. Not where you want to be (or where God wants you to be) yet? Take another step. That is what free will allows. You are not fixed on a track.

Failure (or successes for that matter) are not permanent on this earth. We get to keep trying, keep working, keep running each day. We get to choose our path. Most importantly, we get to change paths if we realize we are on a bad one. That goes for our diets, our relationships, and our hearts.

One more thing, people don’t run a marathon on their own. Each runner may be timed as individuals, but they have a team of trainers, friends and supporters (or sponsors) to help them improve. Even the competition helps them keep them going. Any runner will tell you it is hard to keep a pace or set a record on your own. You need someone running with you, pushing you or challenging you, even if only for a certain stage.

When you think about taking a step forward in improving something this year about yourself, a relationship, or some other goal, remember you cannot do it alone. Bring someone with you or ask someone to hold you accountable. Look for someone to mentor you.

A sprint at the beginning of the year won’t last. A measured pace, day after day will. What change do you need to make? May God bless you with success in the New Year!

Pastor Evan Elwell

Pomeroy Church of the Nazarene


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