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Pomeroy Pioneer Portraits

Ten Years Ago

February 8, 2012

Garfield County Extension Office announced that Jennifer Maves and Kelly Knebel have agreed to be 4-H Horse Club leaders this year.

Jack Neice was winner of the Pomeroy Junior High School National Geography Bee contest. Josh Anderson was second and Dylan King was third.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

February 12, 1997

Beth Peterson is the winner of the OddFellows and Rebekah lodges contest and will take part in the Pilgrimage for Youth program at the United Nations this summer. The Pomeroy High School junior will go on a 15-day expenses paid trip, with eight days in the Washington, D. C., area and four days at the U.N.

Pomeroy Elementary School’s 6th Grade Knowledge Bowl team placed first out of 24 teams. Members are Sabrina Beale, Tony Bates, Adam Stallcop, Bryce McKeirnan, and Mike Mensik

Fifty Years Ago

February 10, 1972

Navy Petty Officer Third Class David L. Damron, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gib Damron, and shipmates raised $2,000 so four members of a Kingsford, Mich., family suffering from Muscular Dystrophy, could visit Disney World.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

February 13, 1947

Roy Weller arrived home to Marengo Friday night with his bride. Roy met her in California when her ship docked there. She is from Brisbane, Australia, where he met her during the war. They visited with friends and relatives in Seattle before coming home. Sunday night about 45 persons gathered and gave the couple a real old-time charivari. The crowd was invited in and refreshments were served. The community extends heartiest congratulations.

Phillip Mayfield, while in Seattle last week, accepted a position with the War Department.

One Hundred Years Ago

February 11, 1922

Garfield county’s quota of the $250,000 necessary to erect the Centralia memorial building, honoring the service men killed there on Armistice Day, 1919, is $700, according to figures made by the memorial association committee.

There is no rush to pay taxes at the opening of the period for getting the 3 per cent rebate on real estate, according to the receipts reported by County Treasurer Mrs. Elizabeth Dean. On Monday, the first day, $8,239.58 was taken in, and on Tuesday $3,148.53.

Another mild Chinook seems to be closing on this (Thursday) morning after clearing the snow off the valleys, but leaving a good blanket on the wheat fields.