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Pataha Creek RV Park to receive new laundry room heater

POMEROY–The Port of Garfield County commissioners approved the purchase of a new heater and heard reports on fiber internet project progress and Columbia Pulp receivership at their meeting on May 17.

The heater in the Pataha Creek RV Park laundry room has gone out and will be replaced. The commissioners approved the cost of $800, which includes installation fees.

All the parts for the Pataha fiber project have arrived. The project is waiting on a few more forms to be signed and then will be ready to begin work. The Northeast Garfield County project pre-contract has been completed and is ready for design work to begin.

Port Manager Diana Ruchert received a legal letter defining Columbia Pulp’s receivership in King County. She is in contact with the Port’s lawyer to determine if the lease held by the Port falls under that receivership.

Fred Mensik donated three copies of his book, Whistling Past the Tombstones, to the Port commissioners. The book discusses causes and effects of salmon population declines in the history of the Columbia and Snake Rivers.

The Wellness grant that was applied for last month has been received. It grants $800 for the purchase of a treadmill to be placed in the Port office.

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