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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

Ronald Reagan once said something like, “isn’t it interesting that the people who are pro-abortion are people who had the opportunity to be born?” When President Donald Trump addressed Congress during his term, he gave a most moving and impressive speech. He reinforced in his address his commitment to protect the most innocent of our population, the unborn. When he said that, a little over half the room burst into a standing ovation. The left of humanity sat with their arms folded across their chests and had anger in their expression. A democrat senator from my home state was one of the first people the camera focused upon. She looked nearly to burst with contempt. What I wish my president would have said at that moment was; “those of you who are prolife, thank you for standing. Those of you who are pro death, please remain seated.”

My son once told me a story he heard, and it went kind of like this. A liberal gets the news from a medical specialist that they have a terminal cancer, and would not likely survive another year. The democrat is furious. God is to blame, and it is to God they send their abhorrence. After flurries of profanity and questions of why they were singled out to receive this punishment, the democrat sobs and asks “why have you not given us a cure for cancer? God answered, “I have given you the cure many times, but each time you have aborted her and him.”

I had heard that the left was planning to protest Catholic Churches across the nation a couple of Sundays ago. I know there are several liberals here in this town, and was wondering if they might be at the bottom of our steps after Mass. I would probably have found out what the inside of our jail looked like. Was quite willing to find out, and am still in that frame of mind.

I use the service of a professional. He provides critical thinking to our farming operation as it relates to tax implications. It is a coincidence perhaps that his opinion of the sanctity of life and mine are very similar, and he relayed a true story of a client he had and a conversation or debate that ensued between her and him. She was a staunch supporter of a democrat’s right to destroy life and he, like me, disagreed with her viewpoint. It went back and forth each trying to convince the other to see the error of their thinking. Finally, he threw up his arms and said, “you’ve done it! You have changed my mind. I believe your mother should have had an abortion.”

In this country it is illegal to kill a bald eagle. It is also illegal to destroy a bald eagle egg. An unborn bird brain animal has greater rights than an American unborn human citizen. Even George Orwell would be amazed at the stupidity of what we call civilization.

This letter will probably cause a response to rain down from Spokane, where the “Portland wann’be’s” live. Garfield County chose Donald Trump by majority, but it seems odd that the Joey’s make the most noise in the letter to the editor section of this publication. “Let’s Go Brandon!” Also, do you find it interesting that baby formula is in short supply. This is not a good time to be a small human in a Joey world.

Eric E. McKeirnan

Pomeroy, Wash.

To the editor,

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell let the unbridled monster out of the barn and may never get him back in.

Early in Barack Obama’s presidency, McConnell announced his most important achievement would be to make Obama a one-term president. Ever since, McConnell has opposed anything Obama and Democrats have introduced, even if originally Republican-proposed (Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts health plan predating Obamacare). This includes blocking legislation Obama and subsequent Democrats continually put forward to rescue the lower- and middle-income working classes, many of whom have been unjustly left behind.

These angry, marginalized workers were fertile ground for the lies, hate and bigotry of Donald Trump; consequently, many were drawn to him, even though he’s always favored the rich, especially with his tax cuts. Belatedly, McConnell has shown signs of realizing his actions have created a monster.

The first major sign that McConnell realized his mistakes, though lacking the integrity to right them, was his strong criticism of Trump during impeachment proceedings following the January 6, 2021 insurrection. This provided McConnell, with his influence on Republican senators, an opportunity to end the monster’s political life, but McConnell lacked the courage to vote accordingly for conviction. More recently, McConnell criticized the Republican National Committee’s censure of Republican US Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and its characterization of the Trump-inspired January 6 insurrection as “legitimate political discourse”.

But much damage has already been done, and McConnell and Republican cowardice precludes any chance of getting the monster back into the barn.

Norm Luther

Spokane, Wash.

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