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Grant Morgan resigns as County Engineer

POMEROY-Garfield County Engineer Grant Morgan submitted his resignation to the Garfield County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) at their meeting on September 6, and the board accepted a quote for a meeting manager program at their September 12 meeting.

Morgan's last day as Garfield County's engineer will be October 31. He will be taking the position of Columbia County Engineer, but remaining a Garfield County resident. The commissioners expressed their sorrow at his leaving and their hope for his future success. "Thank you for your service here and everything you've done for us," Commissioner Justin Dixon said.

Other business conducted at the September 6 meeting was the signing of a memorandum of agreement with Nez Perce County for use of their juvenile detention facilities. This is a standing agreement renewed yearly. Garfield County will pay $200 per day for housing detained juveniles.

The quote accepted at the September 12 meeting is from Tyler Technologies for $23,379. The meeting manager program will collect and index minutes and resolutions. The system will integrate with other record-keeping systems currently used at the Garfield County courthouse. There will be a yearly maintenance bill of $2,314, and will be paid for out of the historic document fund.

The BOCC also signed an engagement letter acknowledging a forthcoming audit from the Washington State Auditor's office. The audit will cost $32,500 and travel expenses.

The board also signed a memorandum of understanding to join in the Recovery Navigator program that is state funded and administered through Quality Behavior Health. Other entities in the county that have joined the program are Garfield County Health Department, Sheriff's Office, Prosecutor's Office, Hospital District, and Fire District.

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