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Letters to the Editor

To the editor,

Have you noted, like I have, that when evil cracks a door it is never satisfied until it forces that door to its limits.

Let's look, look at abortion on demand. It started out in 1973 that an abortion could only take place in the 1st trimester, and then it went to partial birth abortion, then to the selling of baby body parts, and now has reach infanticide.

After 62 million babies have been aborted in a little less than 50 years, the Supreme Court reversed Roe vs Wade and returned the decision to each State.

I am not fooling myself into believing my State under the leadership of Inslee, Murray, and Cantwell, will become prolife, but I believe my vote counts, and it will go towards a candidate who shares my values. The door has been cracked on the national level regarding the following areas: Equality Act, Draft Our Daughters, Defund Police, Critical Race Theory, WOKE

If there are individuals in our community who could share more knowledge on these subjects, please write a letter to the Editor of the East Washingtonian and inform us.

A quote from a mailing I received, spoke to me, and I hope by passing it on will do you as well.

Lauren Boebert (Co.3) "We've got to fight a culture war at home and in churches. We must train our children with a solid foundation that freedom and liberty are priceless, and that God is good, and that the American promise is alive and well.!"

We are not only in a culture war; we are in a spiritual one as well.

Shirley Fischer

Pomeroy, Wash.

To the editor,

Equal Justice. Now our past judge is being sentenced for his crime. The State tried to increase his sentence, but they failed. Everyone else gets five years alone for having a gun in the room. We are sure he had one in the room or on himself.

The bench trail victims he served on should of gotten a new trial with a new judge and prosecutor that are neutral and a public defender who was licensed, which Asotin County was not. The appeals should be sent back to Asotin County for retrial. The two prosecutors should be replaced without side prosecutors and defenders.

We need proper justice in our court.

Marvin Jackson

Clarkston, Wash.

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