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Pastor's Corner

How is Thanksgiving special?

Sometimes Thanksgiving feels a little like the awkward middle child. It sits evenly between Halloween and Christmas. Those holidays get all the attention and excitement because they are big commercial holidays. They sell all the candy- they have all the decorations- they get all the movies made about them. When was the last time you gathered the kids around to watch a Thanksgiving movie? Have you been planning to listen to Thanksgiving songs this month? Did you go all out to put up Thanksgiving décor this year? No, everyone sees the other two kids, but we don't know what to do with Thanksgiving. We don't do much special. We just eat too much, which is what we do in addition to the Halloween and Christmas festivities anyway, so how is Thanksgiving special? It's like we just celebrate celebrating.

Well, sometimes we go around the table and say what we are thankful for. That's good. That's why we call the holiday Thanks-saying. Wait-we don't? It's Thanks-giving. Well now. That's something different all together.

What does it look like to give thanks? I don't just say that I love my child on Christmas. I give a gift I know he will appreciate. God didn't just say that He loved us and wanted a solution to the sin problem. He sent a Gift. Or we might say He became a man to live and die among us. What if I welcomed all the kids to come to my door on Oct. 31, only to tell them I was glad they came to Trick-or-Treat, but didn't give them any candy? The holiday requires I DO something. So, Thanksgiving ought to result in my somehow giving thanks. But how?

Well, I suppose it could be any number of things, if it's honest. Are you thankful for your police force? Can you bring them a pie to thank them? Maybe we can just quit breaking the law so they can have a day off. How about your church? Has it been there for you this year? Are you supporting them financially, or volunteering your time so they can continue to represent God in the community? Are you grateful for family, friends, teachers, or coaches? Can you give them your time to help them, food off your table, or even just a card of appreciation?

It doesn't always have to be "things". We often say, "actions speak louder than words". Speaking a "Thank You" is important. Never forget to say, "thank you". But maybe this year, we can all take it a step beyond the ordinary, in honor of the holiday, and really make somebody's day. Only you know who and what you are grateful for. What would they appreciate from you this year? How can you give something back to them to let them know how much they mean to you?

Pastor Evan Elwell

Pomeroy Church of the Nazarene

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