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Two free community presentations

POMEROY–The Denny Ashby Library will present two different community presentations at the Senior Center on November 9; “The importance of maintaining historical objects by Muriel Bott at 12:45 p.m. and Glory Grove by Author Gary Bye at 6:30 p.m.

The first of the two presentations: “The importance of maintaining historical objects” is where Pomeroy Museum curator Muriel Bott explains the importance of documenting an era through its artifacts and how to preserve them for the future. “Muriel and other volunteers are instrumental in maintaining, organizing and adding to our local museum,” according to the Denny Ashby Library press release. “She understands the importance of history, what we should maintain, why we should maintain objects, and how to maintain these items.” This and much more will be offered to the public at the Senior Center on November 9 at 12:45 p.m.

The next presentation: Glory Grove by Gary Bye from Pomeroy Wash. is a program on the story that is sports related with a love story entwined set in an Eastern Washington small town.

Brock Gallagher, the lead character in the story, was a college football star who went to the NFL for a couple years, but did not find success, so went to Seattle where he found his niche as a high school football coach. The true-to-life plot twist is when Gallagher’s mother became ill, and he decides to return to his home town of Glory Grove, to be with his mother during her final days. It was then he became reacquainted with his old high school sweetheart who was married to a bitter and violent former teammate of Brock’s, Cort Jepson.

The community was excited to have the former football star back in town and tries to get him to take over the football program, which had been cancelled prior to his return. He was torn between returning to his gorgeous wife and shaky marriage in the big city, or remain in Glory Grove as the football coach and face the principal who was determined to end the sport permanently.

Glory Grove is available at the Blue Mountain Artisan Guild, Pomeroy Pharmacy, the Museum and on Amazon in paperback or eBook. It is also available from the author Gary Bye. To purchase directly contact 509-843-1488 or email [email protected].

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