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Road Crew Chief Rodney Norland retires

POMEROY–The Garfield County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) fare welled retiring Road Crew Chief Rodney Norland, and passed two resolutions at their meeting on January 9. The BOCC installed McKenzie Lueck as Clerk of the Board and discussed parking solutions for the Spring Jackpot show with representatives of the Eastern Washington Agricultural Museum and the Jackpot at their meeting on January 3.

Rodney Norland is retiring after 33 years with Garfield County. His position has been filled by Steve Gormsen. Norland's last day with Garfield County is Thursday, Jan 11.

The commissioners passed resolution 2023-01, setting the 2023 wage salary for Garfield County, and resolution 2023-02, updating the fee schedule for the Garfield County Sheriff's Office.

The BOCC also publicly thanked the officers and staff of the Sheriff's Office and the emergency communications department for their dedication and service to Garfield County, in accordance with National Law Enforcement Appreciation Week.

The BOCC installed Garfield County Auditor McKenzie Lueck as Clerk of the Board on January 3, filling the position left by Donna Deal's retirement.

Possible solutions to parking safety concerns at the Spring Jackpot show held at the Garfield County Fairgrounds include withholding a section of the hay field from the EWAM's annual Spring Farming Days event for parking space, widening the road between the field and the animal barns to allow two trailers to safely meet, and creating a turnaround area at the end of the pig barn.

In further business, the BOCC met with Danika Gwinn, of Quality Behavioral Health, for a bi-annual update. Gwinn reported that QBH has received two grants, the Group Health Foundation Grant Award for $670,000 over a period of three years and usable in both Garfield and Asotin Counties, and the Coordinated Care Grant Award of $15,000. Part of the funds from these grants will be used to maintain their case management and tele-psyche programs.

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