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Many organizations have helped Garfield County Hospital District over the past several years but none as much as the hospital auxiliary group, HUGS, which stands for Helpers United Giving Support. What is HUGS? Their motto says it all— “Caring Hearts. Caring Hands.” Accompanying their motto is their logo which displays a pair of hands gently holding a single heart, honoring patients that have chosen to make our hospital their home. This group of individuals focuses on patient well-being for those who reside in the Swing Bed Unit. Whether they are staying temporarily or indefinitely, each patient is treated with the utmost respect.

Jenness Evanson first joined HUGS in 2004 at the request of her sister, Nancy, with a robust membership of 23 devoted community members and three years later was voted President. Evanson humbly stated that HUGS has purchased over $200,000 in various equipment and items to help improve the hospital’s environment by creating a family and home atmosphere. Everything from the remodeling of the hospital and clinic, to purchasing equipment for various departments throughout the facility were contributed by HUGS.

In the past seven years, HUGS has generously donated over $31,000 for items such as a floor burnisher for housekeeping, 70-inch TV for the dayroom, folding chairs for activities, chairs for the hospital waiting room, dining room and clinic, equipment for the Beauty Shop, two blanket warmers for Acute Care and Emergency Departments a fluid warmer, geriatric chairs, Mother’s Day floral centerpieces, and annual $500 scholarships towards a medical education.

Members of HUGS graciously volunteer their time to help benefit the lives of our patients by adding a personal touch to their giving. Since 2019, they have worked diligently on shadow boxes in memory of former patients adorned with mementos donated from family members in honor of their loved ones. Each year HUGS provides colorful floral centerpieces that decorate the tables for the Mother’s Day Tea. Arrangements are enjoyed by the patients for several weeks as they brighten up the dayroom. In addition, a yearly scholarship of $500 is given to a high school student or a hospital employee that is pursuing an education in the medical field.

Unfortunately, both membership and donations for HUGS has seen a dramatic decline over the years. Currently the revenue is generated solely from the interest based off the original principal. In the past, this non-profit organization has received their funding through the generosity of family members of former patients largely in the form of memorials, but this has significantly decreased along with membership.

Being a HUGS volunteer has very rewarding moments. “Seeing the smile on the patients’ faces when you do something for them or give them something new—they are so appreciative,” says Evanson. Tray favors prepared at the monthly HUGS meetings filled with chocolates in personally decorated cups happens to be one of their favorite treats. “It’s the little things that make a difference, and that’s what we’re all about, making the patients happy and comfortable.”

After close to two decades of tirelessly serving as HUGS President, Evanson is stepping down and passing the torch as president to another devoted member and former Secretary, Karen Hill. “I really enjoy the patients and caring for them,” says Karen. “They are near and dear to my heart.” Her goal for HUGS is “just being available for the needs of the residents.” “We are so appreciative for all the donations and the support from the community and the hospital staff. We couldn’t do it without them!”

HUGS would like to invite those interested in learning more to join the meetings, which fall on the third Friday of each month at the Pataha Flour Mill at 11:30 a.m. New members are always welcome.

To learn more about how you can make a difference call the hospital at 509-843-1591 or email at [email protected] for more details.

On behalf of GCHD staff, we want to extend our appreciation to Jenness Evanson for her many years of devotion and to the current HUGS members for all they do to make our patients’ lives more enjoyable through generous donations and volunteering their valuable time making every day special!