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Washington State's new tax credit is open for application

OLYMPIA–The Working Families Tax Credit has been created by the Washington State legislation which will benefit eligible individuals and families for 2023.

The Washington State legislature has created a new tax credit for 2023, according to information provided by Barbara Maxwell of the Blue Mountain Action Council (BMAC). The Working Families Tax Credit will provide eligible individuals and families with a refund of up to $1,200. The exact figure varies depending on income level and the number of qualifying children in the family.

Requirements include a filed 2022 federal tax return that has a social security number or an individual taxpayer identification number, eligibility for the federal Earned Income Tax Credit, a minimum Washington residency of 183 days of the past year, between 25 and 64 years of age or having a qualifying child in 2022, and meeting the income requirements, which vary depending on marital status and number of children. Qualifying children must be under the age of 19 at the end of 2022, or under 24 if a full-time student for at least five months of the year.

The Working Families Tax Credit is available through application to the Washington State Department of Revenue. Applications opened on February 1, 2023, and will remain open until December 31, 2023. BMAC and the Washington State Department of Revenue can both provide further information or answer questions.

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