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SEWEDA's CEDS survey topic of Chamber of Commerce discussion

POMEROY–The Community Forum hosted by Pomeroy Chamber of Commerce on February 21 discussed the South East Washington Economic Development Association's (SEWEDA) 2023 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS); the Chamber's Cohesive Sign Project; and the availability of grants for small businesses.

SEWEDA's CEDS is a survey that collects input on the elements of the community that are going well, that need improvement, and that need immediate improvement, through a system of green, yellow, and red stick-on dots. The elements surveyed were infrastructure, community development, education and workforce, and tourism and natural resources, with infrastructure coming out as the element with the most green and tourism and natural resources having the most red. The CEDS will be coupled an online survey that was taken in January to make a report that will be submitted as part of SEWEDA's federal grant application.

The Chamber's sign project features 13 signs. One will be fixed to a lamp post, and nine will be on free standing posts. Some will be double sided. The signs will show directions to town features such as the courthouse, parks, and the library. No quotes for the price of the project were discussed.

Anne Walsh, of Puget Sound Energy, discussed Economic Impact Grants from Downtown Walla Walla Foundation. The grants are available to small businesses in Garfield County as well as Walla Walla and Columbia Counties.

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