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55 teams play in St. Patrick's Day broomstick pool tournament

POMEROY–The Pomeroy Spinners hosted the 38th annual St. Patrick's Day broomstick pool tournament at the Maple Hall on March 17 and 18. A total of 55 teams played in the tournament. Seven were eliminated on Friday, and 48 played on Saturday. The winners of the tournament were Ritchie Vecchio and Ray Luther, in first place; Dave and Heath Shelton, in second place; Nick Herres and Scott Young in third place; Teresa Summers and Justin Malheur in fourth; Chris Rardin and Drew Zorza in fifth; and Lester Geiger and John Borley in sixth place.

Bank of Eastern Washington, Peters & Keatts, Ackerman, Pomeroy Food Center, Pomeroy Fitness, Krouse Machine Ship, CPE/C, P1FCU, Pomeroy Grain Growers, LCCU, Umpqua Bank and Columbia Bank, and Flynn's Electric were sponsors of the event. Spinners President Tanner Cranor wished to thank them for "more than covering the expenses".

The St. Patrick's Day broomstick pool tournament has been an annual event since 1985 and the Pomeroy Spinners has been managing it since 2011.

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