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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

May 29, 2013

The Dayton School District has four people, Katie Leid, Elementary Principal; Julie Howard, Teacher, John Hutchens, Maintenance & Grounds Supervisor and Dallas Dickinson, Elementary Secretary, who will be retiring with a combined ninety-five years of experience.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 27, 1998

Five young pianists, Rachel LaBerge, Cassie Bensel, Kassandra Demaris, Dana Bensel, and Ashley Oakley from Dayton participated in the 53rd Annual Greater Spokane Music and Allied Arts Festival held at Gonaga University. The Festival, was organized in 1946 to encourage and aid young people to study music and allied arts, attracted 1,700 participants, including 600 entrants in the piano division alone, from the Pacific Northwest.

Michelle R. Martin-Williams, Dayton High School graduate and WWCC Nursing graduate, has recently been selected for membership in Delta Chi Chapter-at-Large, Sigma Theta Taku. This honor is conferred upon nursing students who have demonstrated outstanding scholastic excellence in practice education research or publication.

Touchet River Run Winners: Russ Gordon, Carol Feezell, Brook Coleman and Garret Warren.

At the Chronicle, we had five FBLA volunteers that helped with the production of the daily race programs and their efforts got them donations for their upcoming summer trip to Orlando.

Fifty Years Ago

May 31, 1973

Wayne and Joan Hinchliffe and family was honored as Cattlemen of the Year, during the county's first major rain storm of the growing year, at the annual Cattleman of Year barbecue, served by the Cow Belles and Livestock Association.

Bruce Keith, long-time educator, was the honoree at a dinner at the Dayton Elementary multi-purpose room hosted by the Columbia County Education Association and a surprise reception at the Jack Penner home. Keith taught most subjects and coached some sports throughout his teaching years which began in 1933, accepting his first teaching position at Homedale, Idaho, and was paid $450 a year with a raise to $455 his second year.

Cindy Moore, jockey, riding Tiger Reigh, won the Dayton Days Queen's Derby for owner Don Low at the races Sunday afternoon. This is thr first time a female jockey has won the race.

Columbia County Fair Host and Hostesses are Mary Sue Evers, Connie Fletcher, Jeff Turner and Dan Lambert.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

May 27, 1948

Dean Kregger, son of Mrs. Roy Startin, has made a satisfactory completion of his basic training at Fort Ord, Calif., and is on orders for further duty at Fort Belvoir, Va.

Joseph B. Keenan, representing the United States, as chief prosecutor at Japanese war crimes trials, as he presented the 55-count indictment against the criminals to be tried.

WANT TO BUY A BLIMP? A bargain in blimps at only $7,000 may be had at Moffatt Field, Calif., This is the asking price inflated and ready to fly away of the war surplus authorities.

Sixty-five seniors of Dayton High School will graduate with the commencement exercises. Lora Casteel is salutatorian and Marion Butler is valedictorian. Eleven of the seniors have had their education interrupted by duty in the armed services but will be awarded diplomas "based upon satisfactory scores on general education development tests."

Nat G. Turner, operator of the ferry at Lyons Ferry, sent word by way of Ray Berry that the ferry has been tied up until the great amount of drift run out or until the water drops in the flood flow of the Snake River.

Miss Joan Broughton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broughton, is a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts at the 70th Smith College commencement.

One Hundred Years Ago

May, 1923

No bound volumes available.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

May 28, 1898

At least fifty teams per day are hauling wood and lumber from the Eckler Mountain. This is a good place to state that larger appropriations for working the mountain roads should be make. Nearly everyone in the county travels these roads.

Jackson Bros. have finished shearing their sheep and will take them to the mountains next week. Their flocks were increased by 4,000 lambs this spring.

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