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From the Dayton Chronicle archives

Ten Years Ago

June 17, 2013

Construction of the Artisan Food Center at Blue Mountain Station is underway with the foundation complete and the plumbing needs to be addressed. A receipt of $109,000 in grant funds and $109,000 in loan funds at 2.55 interest over 10 years from the Community Economic Revitalization Board.

Dayton City Council learned 25,354 people visited the Dayton Memorial Library and Delany Room in 2012.

The 19th All Wheels Weekend was enjoyed under sunny skies by a decent crowd and 387 rolling stock.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 17, 1998

Melonie Renee Leseman, daughter of Trent and Mary Leseman graduated from The Intercollegiate School for Nursing Education and received a B.S. in Nursing from EWU.

Steve Lombard, a senior at CWU, is among the nine Central Washington University students inducted into the Pi Sigma Alpha honor society.

Buck-Hi Days parade in Starbuck: Grand Marshal Lilly Willey was provided a ride by Bob Shanie and his team of mules. Other highlights included the James Gang family reunion float, Walla Walla Wagonettes, Barney the purple dinosaur and Columbia County Fair Court float.

Fifty Years Ago

June 21, 1973

The new IOOF Hall on the corner of 3rd and Patit is nearing completion. All the exterior work has been completed by contractor Glen Magill and son. The interior work is being done by members and it is hope to have the building ready by the end of July.

Steve Nichols, son of Ron and Dorothy Palmer, who lived in Dayton until 1969 when they moved to Redding, Calif., has been chosen as a member of the 1973 American Youth concert Tour. Steve is one of 115 musicians and 100 choir members who will travel throughout Europe for 27 days this summer. Other Daytonites to be selected for this program are Charlotte Eaton and Sherri Grubb.

Mike Varney, a Life Scout in Troop No. 332, under the leadership of Owen Agenbroad, is one of six scouts from the Blue Mountain Council attending the Boys Scout Training camp in Filmore, N.M.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

June 17, 1948

Regulations in regard to compulsory chest x-rays for school teachers and school employees have been tightened by the State Board of Health as a further check against the spread of tuberculosis.

Wm. O. Scott of Scott Motors will show the new 1949 Ford, when the cars to be displayed will be unveiled. Two two-door sedans and one truck will be available.

The management and employees, husbands, wives and friends of the J.C. Penny store enjoyed a hamburger feed and festivities at the Oldoski country home. Glen Jones, manager, said 29 guests were present.

Citizens Organize For State Parks System Co-operation. Mrs. Ruth Peeler's appearance at a pre-arranged meeting in the Lewis-Clark Trail State Park, was the out-growth of discontent among patrons of the local park. The park, together with many other established state parks, were short-rationed on maintenance funds in the last legislature while the state has seemed to condone the reckless spending of money on the development of still another state park. A movement to form a state-wide park association which will prepare a state park program to present the next legislature.

One Hundred Years Ago

June, 1923

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

June 18, 1898

A dispatch from Guatanamo Bay says the American marines and Cubans completely routed a force of 400 Spaniards. Santiago is already on famine rations, every source of supply and reinforcement will soon have been cut off by the blockading fleet.

Few men more wide awake and enterprising than J. H. Day who spares no pains to secure the best of everything in his line for his many customers. He now has Dr. King's New Discovery for consumptions, coughs and colds.

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