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POMEROY–The Scott Williams and Ed Dahmen team won the High School Golf Program Annual Fourth of July fundraiser tournament at Crystal Springs Gold Club on July 4. It was sponsored by several local businesses and two from the Lewis and Clark Valley.
Out of 21 participating teams, Williams and Dahmen won the Fourth of July Golf Tournament with a score of one under par 61 in the three-format tournament. The Al Damron and Scott Young team finished second at 63 with Dean and Deavon Caruso coming in third with 64.
The mixed portion of the tournament, the three top teams were Mitch and Jolee Ruchert, first; Carey Caruso and Ally Bott, second; and Ben and Kim Feider, third.
The fundraiser tournament was sponsored by several local and two Lewis and Clark Valley businesses with donations of merchandise for prizes. Pirate Coach Al Damron expresses his gratitude and generosity for all who made the fundraiser possible. "My appreciation to the participants and donors for their generous acts," he said. "This is huge for our program and it means a lot to us. A special acknowledgement to Shawn "Smitty" for his hard work getting the course ready."