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Board approves teacher assignments and curriculum

POMEROY–The School Board approved a consumer math curriculum; high school teaching assignments for Weights, Spanish I and II, Geometry, Consumer Math, and Bridges 12; a recommendation for a second-grade teacher new hire; and other pending business decisions, according to the July 25 meeting minutes.

The board approved the Scaffolded Consumer Math curriculum presented by Nettie Severs, as an appropriate choice to implement in the 2023-34 school year. The program is an approachable way to build financial literacy for high-school-aged students in such areas as how to file a tax return, credit scores, how to understand paycheck withholding data, budgets, banking and credit cards, loans, investing, and much more.

Three teachers are approved to teach out of their field for the coming school year, according to the board minutes. Fred Knebel will incorporate Weights in his schedule; Kristina Knebel will instruct Spanish I and II; and Nettie Severs will include Geometry, the new Consumer Math program, and Bridges 12 in her class load.

In addition, Second-grade new hire Nichol Ledgerwood, was approved for the 2023-24 school year.

In other school board business, Coleman Oil received the 2023-24 fuel contract; spring coaches' evaluations and intent to return submissions were approved, schedules for specialty classes, recess and lunch were defined; curriculum material as well as other needs on order.

The next school board meeting is scheduled on Tuesday, August 29 at 6 p.m.

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