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Got a 'Man Cave' to show off?

POMEROY–The Blue Mountain Artisan Guild (BMAG) will present the "Man Cave Show" again this year, along with sponsor Meyers Hardware, for two months beginning September 1. A reception is planned September 7 at 5-7 p.m.

Here is the call to let all men know that the BMAG is having the-now annual, "Man Cave Show." Men of all ages who would like to bring their art, crafts, hobbies, talents, etc. to this event are asked to do so at the end of August.

A reception highlighting the artists in this event is on September 7 and will include feature junior artists from the Summer Class.

"Last year we had 22 'guys' display a wonderful array of wood working, metal, antique cars, taxidermy, paintings you name it," said Linda McKeirnan of BMAC. "The show was fantastically well received." She went on to say the guys can decide if they would like to sell their entries, or to exhibit for all to enjoy.

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