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Pastor's Corner

Forget Me Not

My wife and I were alarmed at the conclusion of a church conference when a Pastor took off for home, forgetting his wife. He left her stranded in the church yard. She calmly stated that he often forgot her. She said that he would eventually remember and return for her. It's hard to imagine that kind of forgetfulness.

The Bible tells of a woman who forgot. She was so taken by Jesus' words of living water that she went to tell others "leaving her water jar". She forgot her valuable and needed water vessel. Jesus had explained to her that the water He would give her would keep her from thirsting ever again. He said that it would become a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (Jn. 4) Her life would become a living fountain of the love of God!

It was fitting she would forget the water jar because it was God's intention that she become one! The Lord intends each of us to become vessels of living water, enjoying His loving Holy Spirit deep within our hearts. By receiving Jesus into our lives, the personal fellowship, we have with Him is so satisfying that our longings for purpose, love, and joyful living are all satisfied. Our inner thirst is quenched. In fact, we experience such an abundance of the love of God that, like water, it sloshes around, overflows, and spills out on the lives of others.

The woman's first act after forgetting her jar was to go back to town and tell others of Jesus, urging them to "Come see a man who told me everything I ever did." Jn. 4:29. Despite knowing her sins, God still wanted her. He wants us and forgives our sins. Lord, evermore give us this water! Let's drink of Him to our fill!

Pastor Greg Brownell

United Brethren Church

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