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Hospital Corner

Ely September Employee of the Month

Garfield County Hospital District is proud to announce September's Employee of the Month, David Ely. He was nominated by his co-workers who state, "David is a "go-getter" and takes excellent care of his patients."

David was born in Missoula, Mont. and his family moved to Kalispell when he was ten years old as his father was in the Army. David's family is deeply rooted in the military with 8 generations of grandparents on both his mother's and father's side, who collectively served in all four of the armed services, including his brother. He graduated from Flathead High School in 2002. While in high school and after graduation he worked at a movie theatre, Wal-Mart, and a few different entry level jobs. At the age of 21, he followed in the footsteps of his family's tradition and joined the National Guard. He was sent to Fort Jackson, South Carolina for basic training for 9 weeks and then sent to Advanced Individual Training (AIT) for 16 weeks to become an all-wheel vehicle mechanic. He worked on various military vehicles and equipment.

During his stent in the military, he helped put out numerous forest fires and participated in the disaster relief of Hurricane Katrina. Looking back, he said, "The lessons you learn in there definitely go far beyond the military. One thing I really took to heart from it was their core values-Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selflessness, Service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage-all of those are things I use in daily life to this day. I didn't just learn them, I lived them when I was in. It turned me into someone who I'm proud to be now. I am not sure I could have said that 20 years ago." Due to an injury, his military career ended after eight years. Between David, his father, and his brother they served 50 years in the service--an incredible tribute to their legacy!

In 2005, David moved back to Kalispel and was hired at Costco in the tire department and seven years later, he was promoted to supervisor overseeing tire sales. David's favorite aspect of his job was the brisk business that the tire department produced, especially during the colder seasons. "I loved the pace. When we hit the winter rush, it was insanity, and I was in my element." Costco's tire sales in Kalispell rivaled the higher populated warehouses. He recalls during his second year under his manager's leadership, the tire sales skyrocketed to $100,000 in sales. He was with Costco for almost 15 years.

He moved to Tri-Cities for a year to work on a local farm. David's hard work ethic paid off and after working only three months he became the field supervisor's lead man. A half-acre of the farm was planted in a garden. The produce was sold in the summer at farmer's markets and the remainder was donated to the local food bank. Even though the farm was not certified organic, every effort was made to grow produce as naturally as possible. He enjoyed this job very much. "I learned a ton while working there."

In May 2023, David was hired at the hospital as a housekeeper. One month later a unique opportunity arose in the nursing department to train as a certified nursing assistant. David was accepted into the program and obtained his certification in July. The hospital staff in both departments soon recognized his dedication. "David is an amazing team player, always jumping in to help, you don't even have to ask!" One of the nursing staff said, "Never have to worry about him not getting his job done. He's always helpful, a lovely person. Wish I had ten of him. He's friendly and staff and patients love his presence." Another co-worker said, "Daid always comes to work with a fun and upbeat positive attitude. When he's on the floor he hustles and works hard. I'm happy to have him on the team."

David's favorite part of his job is the people. "I've met some really cool people and heard some amazing stories. I love this town, and I love the community that you feel in this town."

Currently David is taking courses in psychology and would like to continue his career in the medical field. He is an avid reader and loves to read anything by any author. In his spare time, David enjoys hunting, fishing, hiking, and camping in the great outdoors. His bucket list includes touring Rome, Italy, to visit the art museums, the Colosseum, and different structures throughout the country. Please join us in celebrating David for being an outstanding employee and a great team member!

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