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Guest Commentary


By Eric McKeirnan

Guest Columnist

I ran into an old friend a few weeks ago who was all juiced up with the excitement of traveling with his wife and friends and former pastor to the land of Jesus Christ.

Nearly four years ago a core group of about a dozen locals, (local includes Waitsburg and Tekoa), set off to the Holy Land. During the Covid lockdown I entertained the idea of writing about our adventure on the other side of the planet and having my traveling companions include their thoughts and impressions with mine. If you would like that, contact the editor and I’ll see what can be cooked up.

Among all the peoples of the world, God chose the Jewish as his favorite. We practicing Christians hold tight to that tissue through Jesus, that we might be included with them.

Evil is a force nearly as powerful as Good and we see the battle unfold before us daily. The weapons used against the people of God were made readily available as a gift from the Biden crime syndicate, left in Afghanistan and funding from democrat leaders now and before Trump.

I would ask you to go get a world map. Now, point to Pangea. It no longer exists. I could make the same comment of a hundred other places that once were and no longer are. Palestine is one of those places. It is simply another part of Israel as Idaho is part of the United States. The Jewish allow unfriendly squatters to occupy their territory. It would be highly unlikely that Muslims would allow Jewish peoples to peacefully live in lands that they control.

I beg for forgiveness from the people who God cherishes above all others of the hateful and evil words and intent put forth from the democrats filling public spaces and college campuses. “Gas the Jews! F--- the Jews!” As of right now I have not heard of any democrat demanding the squad to be removed from public office and ejected from this nation, as they should be.

Today is reminiscent of the 1930s and early 1940s, when democrats around the world especially in northern Europe went about the obliteration of the Jewish nation. I once had a health professional who after we jabbered about my body function, got to talking politics. He would say “Don’t worry, we will prevail in the end” meaning that conservative values and truth would come out on top. “How do you figure that?” I asked. He said, “we won the Civil War, right? We won the first and second world wars too.” He smiled with pride. “You are a dreamer. Evil will have its own victories.” I told him.

I want to tell the citizens of Israel that not all the people in this country are against them. In small town America there are various religious organizations. We have Methodist, Episcopal, Christian Baptist, Nazarene, Catholic and a bunch more. When was the last time you recall that a member of one of these groups rape a woman then set her on fire in the name of God? Or, what about decapitating an infant for God’s glory? Are you having a little trouble bringing that up?

Islam has their factions as we have ours. Isis, Hezbollah, Taliban, Hammas and the list goes on and on, country to country, continent to continent, they teach and preach hatred and death.

I rather doubt that my God is their god. I believe that Allah is a demigod born of folklore most likely. My mind cannot process the depth of hatred that boils in the space that a soul should occupy.

Recently I read that over 300,000 democrats in North Carolina have switched to the Republican Party. I am not saying that all Republicans are good, not in a long stretch. A Republican asked if I wished to be an active member locally. I told them that I did not consider myself a Republican. They looked puzzled. I told them “I am a Maga, or an Ultra Maga or a Super Maga, whichever the left hates most. Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and a cluster of other worthless parasites who seize power and thin the truth, they are Republicans.

Chopping off babies’ heads and cooking them alive in ovens, the idea sounds like a democrat dream come true, kind of like Planned Parenthood, Muslim style. Democrats attacked the new speaker of the house because he is Pro Life. We are living in a messed-up world.

The Israelites have been good stewards of the Holy Land and have kept safe those places that matter deeply to all that believe in Jesus Christ. I pray that God will allow the Jewish nation to repel the forces of Islam and their democrat global partner’s intent of destruction of God’s favorite sons and daughters. Amen.

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