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Pastor's Corner


Mom's wooden mixing spoon was often used on our backsides. Though she didn't paddle too hard, it was her choice instrument for disciplining us kids. My siblings and I became skillful at hiding the spoon from her or "accidentally" breaking it when we knew that discipline was coming. The strange thing is that the very instrument that brought the sting of discipline was also instrumental in bringing us tasty dishes to eat. She used the spoon to mix up cakes, pies, meat loafs, and tasty casseroles. It was a "multi-faceted" spoon.

The same thing can be said about our tongues (or words). The tongue can dish out helpful and encouraging words or it can sting and wound others deep within. The Bible says, "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit" Prov. 18:21.

How wonderful that those who use their tongues obediently to the Lord get to personally enjoy the fruitful blessing of their words. Words can lift or they can crush! The Bible says, "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing" Prov. 12:18.

On our own we have trouble holding our tongues from wrong doing, but with the help offered to us from the indwelling Holy Spirit we can share words that provide encouragement and life to others. "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone" Col. 4:6.

Pastor Greg Brownell

Dayton United Brethren Church

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